Grilled Halloumi with Sweet Pepper & Onion Salad
Pan-fried Scottish Rainbow Trout with Peas and Chorizo Fricasee
(√Fish, √Pork)
Steamed Syrup Sponge Pudding with Custard
(√Dairy, √Gluten)
Craig’s Notes
First time I have used Halloumi. It was OK. Slice it thinly and grill it until golden brown. Do not serve it undercooked otherwise it is squeeky on the tooth. Not good. Simple leaf sald with marinaded Red Onions and Roast Red Peppers.
This is Gordon Ramsey recipe – not my favourite chef I’m afraid, but never the less the simplicity of the dish was excellent and mixing the Chorize with the Potato seemed to remove that strong Pork flavour from the meat that I always think spoils the dish. Peas excellent accomanpaniament to sweeten the dish. Very good. Ramsey uses Sea Trout – I used the most beautiful Scottish Rainbow Trout.
It seems that I never put enough Golden Syrup into these. Really nice way to finish the meal. Made them in smaller moulds this time. Worked better.