I’ve been doing a bit more planting: Cauliflower, Broccoli, more Peas and Beans, Turnips and Spinach. The polytunnel is slowly turning green and things are growing even if a bit slowly. Still it’s very exciting.
I have mulched the Potatoes with Bracken Straw – mopped it up from near us, stored in bags for a few days and I have just applied. Slightly worried about covering up the leaves of the plants but I am assured (many websites) that this is OK. Apparently need to ensure that I continue to apply and is mulches down to ensure that we have about 4 inches which will help with the Potato crop and the soil after. We’ll see. Problem is I now need to fill another 4 bags for later. Shame.
I have moved the Potatoes we are growing in sacks to the other side of the polytunnel so that I can create a new bed for the Cauliflower and Broccoli I have started this week. Going to lay cardboard and then compost on top. See how that goes. I have ordered netting to stop the birds eating them.
Been round to the spring to begin the final stages. I inserted a drain line on the main pipe of the hill and I have begun the pipe insulation. Need to complete this and then bring everything round that we no longer need – old tanks, hosepipe and (no joke) a vacuum.
Weather has been mixed but generally dry and sunny. Expecting some heavy rain on Sunday which, when looking at the spring, cheers me up no end.
Tash has asked that we start looking at two other projects too: the first of which is to be a new bigger and deeper pond. 2 in fact joined by a little stream. Planning stage at the moment but I have included pictures below of the ground as it is at the moment.